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How To Choose Aviation Obstruction Light?

Aviation Obstruction Light

Aviation obstruction light the selection crucial aspect when it comes to aviation safety is the correct installation of obstruction lights on tall structures such as buildings, towers and wind turbines. These lights ensure that the aircraft can easily identify potential obstacles & navigate safely.

However, choosing the right aviation obstruction lights can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll look at the key factors to consider when selecting these lights to ensure your warning system is efficient and effective.

Aviation Obstruction Light

a) Comply With Regulations:

The first step in choosing aviation obstruction lights is to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

Different countries and regions have specific guidelines for the type, intensity, and color of lighting required for different structures. Familiarize yourself with these regulations and choose lights that meet or exceed the requirements.

b) Structural Height & Location:

The height and location of a structure play an important role in determining the type of obstruction light required.

Buildings above a certain height may require high-intensity lights, while buildings in densely populated areas may require lights with lower brightness or special features to minimize light pollution. Also consider the surrounding environment, including nearby airports or helipads, to ensure the lights are appropriately visible and distinguishable.

c) Lighting Characteristics:

Aviation obstruction light come in a variety of colors, including red, white, two-color (red and white), etc.

Red light is typically used on buildings above a certain height, while white light is more common on buildings or buildings with a lower profile. Dual lights are often preferred for wind turbines because they improve visibility during the day and night. Additionally, consider the intensity of the light, flash frequency, and beam angle to meet the specific requirements of your structure.

d) Durability & Maintenance:

Obstruction lights are exposed to harsh weather conditions, so it’s crucial to choose lights that are durable and require minimal maintenance.

Look for lights that are sturdy in construction, resistant to corrosion, UV damage, and extreme temperatures. Leds are a popular choice due to their long life and high energy efficiency compared to traditional incandescent lights.

e) Power Supply:

Another important consideration is the power supply for the obstruction lights.

Options include direct AC power, solar, or a combination of both. Solar lights are often preferred for remote areas or buildings where access to power is difficult.

Evaluate power supply availability and select an appropriate power source to ensure continued operation of the lights.

f) Control & Monitoring Systems:

Consider the availability of obstruction light control and monitoring systems.

These systems can remotely control and monitor lights, ensuring timely maintenance and providing alerts for any malfunctions. Advanced systems can provide real-time status updates, fault detection, and can be integrated into existing aviation safety systems.

Choosing the right aviation obstruction light is critical to ensuring the safety of aircraft and buildings. Compliance with regulations, structural height and location, light characteristics, durability, power supply and control systems are all important factors to consider.

By carefully evaluating these aspects and selecting lights that meet specific requirements, you can create an efficient and effective warning system that enhances aviation safety for everyone.

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